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Soon after it all began

CV (placeholder for now until I figure out why I don't see the option to upload the actual file.)

After graduation from MIT, I taught with Teach for America in New Orleans. I then returned to Boston to teach at a charter school for two years before beginning graduate school at the University of Virginia. I earned masters in sociology and English before embarking on environmental consulting. From there, I continued a mix of freelance writing, editing, and other work, including, most recently, teaching at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. My writing and editing experience includes medical and technical writing as well as journalism and academic prose, including indexing. I am currently working on my next novel about a historical murder case at the dawn of Jim Crow while shopping several other manuscripts, including an almost-memoir of one woman touched by local crime, as well as two full-length play scripts, including one casting Donald Trump in the role of Aaron Burr.